Spotlight on a Great Exhibition

1851 saw the opening of a magnificent world famous exhibition, held under a temporary structure constructed from a cast iron framework and glass all manufactured in the industrial Midlands, designed by the well known builder of large glass houses, Joseph Paxton and structural engineer Charles Fox, with the project being overseen by a team including the world famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The ‘Crystal Palace’ as the structure became widely known, housed a massive exhibition at that time with a host of modern technology and design leaders from the UK to promote the UK as a world industrial leader.
The placing of exhibits within the exhibition had been meticulously planned with particular industries and companies exhibiting in the most prestigious place within, in order to create the most impact on attendees.
The Great Exhibition attracted around 6 million visitors, amounting to approximately 42,000 per day and it led the way to a series of world exhibitions that became immensely popular throughout the 19th century.
And attending great exhibitions are still a huge part of business in the 21st Century world wide, showcasing under one roof the latest innovations, technologies, fashion, food and travel amongst many.
Conex exhibitions have exhibition solutions for all types of business, with experience of creating bespoke trade stands in the biggest exhibition centres, experience of negotiating the best possible position within the exhibition, and is a key to exhibition success, along with an eye catching display or demo with the ‘wow’ factor.
From the innovative great ‘glass house’ exhibition of 1851 to bespoke exhibition centres such as the NEC (National Exhibition Centre) and BIC (Bournemouth International Centre), the UK houses world class exhibition space and, as history illustrates, the power of exhibiting creates a real marketing experience. The value of networking, engaging with competitors, seeing how the market is progressing and creating new business is an invaluable tool in your marketing toolbox.
The creation of a great exhibition does depend on many factors – budget, the timing of the exhibition if you are launching a new product, size and location of the exhibition and the quality of the trade stand. In 1851, the success of the exhibition was due not only to the great industrial revolution and inventions at that time, but also the planning and design of the exhibition hall itself and the quality of the stands within.
Planning an Exhibition Marketing Strategy?
Creating and planning a stand, from an elaborate Art exhibition to a one day Pop Up Stand, needs to create the best possible impression.
Materials available now compared to the 19th Century have the advantage of being so much more flexible in their use; being more lightweight and portable, reusable, with access to technology, illumination, various types of flooring and choices of low walling, curved walling and black walling giving the freedom for creating the exact display or stand that is required. And, just as in the time of the Great Exhibition, Conex Exhibitions has a highly skilled team that work to create the perfect trade stand, pop up stand or exhibition.