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Tips On Creating A Photo Wall Display

December 14, 2022 /
Conex /
photo wall display

Displaying photos in an art gallery needs careful placement consideration and an attention to detail so you can attract visitors.

From choosing the right photos and frames to considering the lighting and layout of the space, we’ll help you create a stunning display that will help put your hard work in the best light possible.

Read on to hear our top tips on building a photo wall in a gallery.

What to consider when creating your photo display

If you want a professional and pleasing display for your work to draw in new business, you should consider planning out in advance what your vision is for the finished exhibition. Weigh this up with how many photos you want to showcase and your budget to get an idea of what you’re working towards.

We’ve got some more factors to consider below to make your photo wall display stand out from the crowd.

Location, location, location

You might have the perfect photo display, but it won’t matter if your intended audience can’t even see it. Doing some research into the venue itself and where would be best for your photo display will pay off in spades.

Take a look at the best place in the gallery or venue for your photos: perhaps the centre would attract the most people, or a strategic corner with plenty of footfall works best.

Choose a theme

If you have multiple photos to display, consider grouping them into themes to create a cohesive narrative. You want to tell a visual story with your work, and displaying your photos grouped by themes gives the audience a better understanding of the project.

A matching colour scheme may also be a good option if you have several photos of one similar subject. Grouping similar colours together or separating them out to create a contrast adds some drama to the display.

Experiment with arrangements

Traditionally photos are set out in a grid for display, but you might want to try something different. Take a look at the size and theme of your photos to work out which arrangement might work best.

If you have a set of modern photos to display, a contemporary arrangement with clean lines would work well. A more haphazard arrangement can pay off if your subject matter is fun and playful, but could look chaotic if not carefully planned.

Vary the frames

Frames can enhance your photo display to create cohesion or visual interest as needed. You should look at the walls your photos will be displayed on and assess from there which type of frames would work for your needs.

Popular framing options are sleek and minimal frames in neutral colours, or bold and chunky golden frames reminiscent of ones you’d find in stately homes. You could try mixing and matching two different frame styles for a varied look that’s still cohesive.

Add in decorative elements

Decorations like dried flowers, plants or or themed objects that relate to your photo display can be a great help in attracting visitors to your display and adding to the narrative you want to create.

The decorative elements don’t need to be placed on the walls to add visual intrigue to your photos. When used correctly, sculptures or rugs add another dimension to a photo wall display. Be careful – extra decorative elements should be used sparingly, or you risk your photo display being overshadowed.

Look at lighting

The lighting of your photos is key to a successful display. If you’re going for a modern vibe then bright white lighting will help, whereas low lighting creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Look at the overhead lighting of the venue: if you think it’s too harsh, you could move your photos to another location. Adding spotlights onto key aspects of the display draws the eye of the viewer. You may be able to use natural light to your advantage if your display is near a window.

Height and scale matters

The ideal height for your photos to be on display depends on how many are in the collection and what sizes they are. Usually photos are hung at eye level to prevent neck strain; you can experiment with this by placing a few at different levels and seeing which works best.

You also may want to consider scaling up some of your photos if you have many to display. If you want to draw more attention to one or several photos in your collection, you could make these larger so they become focal points in the display.

Fixtures are key

The last thing you want is for your carefully arranged display to fall down! When you’re hanging your display, you’ll need to look at the size and weight of your framed photo or canvas and make sure the hardware can bear the weight. Be sure to measure out spacing and use appropriate tools, like a spirit level and picture wire, for the display.

Fixtures can also play into the overall look of the photo display. If you want an industrial vibe, leave them exposed for a rough-and-ready feel.


An optional extra to consider is adding some seating in front of your display. If you have a lot of photos on show or you’ve spent a long time building a narrative for your visitors to enjoy, seating could encourage visitors to stay on your display for longer.

You could work with the venue if they have seating options available already, or theme your own seating to your display. Attendees will appreciate a place to rest and fully absorb the impact of your photos.

Final thoughts

Setting up a beautiful photo wall is a simple process that pays off with a visually interesting and attractive display. We hope our tips and tricks have given you new ideas on how you can switch things up for your next gallery exhibition.

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